Colossus WOD is simple, but don’t confuse that with easy.
This WODs main component is the UKC (Ultimate Kettlebell Combo).
Turn yourself into a steel machine
6 minutes of UKC AMRAP
4 minutes of 50 bent-over rows
6 minutes of UKC AMRAP
4 minutes of 40 bent-over rows
6 minutes of UKC AMRAP
Finish with 30 bent-over rows
If you finish your bent-over rows before the end of 4 minutes, use the remainder for rest!
You can’t get much simpler than this, but you also can’t get more effective than this. The Ultimate Kettlebell Combo consists of:
- Deadlift (squat)
- Hang clean (squat)
- Swing clean (hip hinge)
- Swing (hip hinge)
- Half snatch (hip hinge)
- Press (strict)
- Drop and repeat
Download the PDF with printable workout sheet, movements standards, Rx weights, and more. Completed the workout? Post here. Got question? Post here. Check out the other 600+ kettlebell videos here. Want to improve your kettlebell training? Check out our online courses.
- Get yourself a real kettlebell t-shirt
- Check out the video on YouTube
- Buy the kettlebell workout book and get yourself 40+ workouts and 6 challenges
- Learn how to workout like this with good form and technique
- Take our online course and learn over 70 kettlebell clean variations
With the bent-over row added, you simply have everything covered for a full body workout that tests everything, cardio, strength, explosiveness, and more.
TIP: Make your bells float with the cleans—do this with your legs—open up the hands, and insert.