- Our websites
- Our social reach
- Our readers/students
- Other
- Our resources
- Cross promotion/promote your business
- Kettlebell wholesale/suppliers
- Cavemantraining.com 70k+ users a month
- kettlebellexercises.fitness
- kettlebellchallenge.online
- kettlebell.video
- kettlebell.photos
- kettlebell.business
- kettlebelltraining.education
- kettlebell.coach
- kettlebell.university
- kettlebell.courses
- kettlebellbooks.com
- kettlebellworkouts.fitness
- and more
Our social reach:
- YouTube 12,000,000+ views and 64,000+ subs
- Pinterest 360k+ a month
- Facebook groups 170k+ members combined
- Facebook pages 40k+ combined
- Instagram 11k+
- Books
- PDF downloads
- Courses
- Certifications
- DVDs/Blu-ray
Combined 20,000+ a year
- Email list
- Mobile apps
Combined 20,000+
Our resources:
- 5,000 unique and proprietary stock photos
- 20+ books
- 20+ courses
- 100+ videos
- 5 certifications
- 500 kettlebell exercise photos
- 4 mobile apps
- 3 websites
- T-shirt designs
- Video production
- Graphic design
- Mailing list software
- Affiliate software
Related products/services wanted for cross-promotion:
- Kettlebells
- Kettlebell gear
- Shoes
- Wrist bands
- Chalk
- Kettlebell sport coaching
Contact us if you have a kettlebell or other exercise tip to share in the format of a video/article with our audience. After review and publishing, we will put the post out to our audience on all channels. Example submission.