Downloading your electronic purchase(s)

Thank you for your purchase of an electronic product from the Cavemantraining shop!

To download and save your purchase, please follow the following instructions:

  • Your should have received an email with the subject “Your Cavemantraining order from [date] is complete”
  • This email contains all the information you need to download your electronic product
  • The email will have Downloads heading under which there are several columns
  • The first column Product links to the product page
  • The second column Expires shows the date your download is no longer available
  • The third column Download contains a link to download the product
  • It’s recommended to right click and chose “Save as” which will download the file to your computer
  • The file can open in your browser if you clicked the link instead of right click
  • When it’s open in your browser it will require you to then save it to your computer
  • Each electronic file you download from our site is encrypted and protected with your email as the password
  • The password is case-sensitive
  • If you used then this will need to be used for the password with the same case

You can also access your download if you created an account (username and password) on Cavemantraining during checkout, the downloads can be found under Account -> Downloads which is located at the top of the page.

If you purchased multiple products, you will need to save each one to your computer. You need to save your purchases to your computer in a save place where you can find them again. Access to the purchased files will be removed from our server after the expiry date indicated.

None of our electronic products may be shared with others, hence, the reason they’re encrypted and password protected with identifiable information.

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