Kettlebell training is great for BJJ, MMA, and any other sport for that matter, it’s great because ‘when done right’ it can improve so many attributes that you need to be a well-skilled fighter. To name a few benefits of kettlebells for fighters:
- hand-eye coordination
- proprioception
- core strength
- grip strength
- cardiovascular endurance
- muscular endurance
- balance
- stabilization
- overall strength
- mobility
- flexibility
Plus more. But it all comes down to how well you use them and how you program them. The following are some videos that will have some aspect that touches upon some of the above benefits. Join us in the largest Kettlebell Training group on Facebook.
More details for the above video can be found here.
Yes, forward rolls are great, but sometimes you want/need something different for your warm-up, here is a light warm-up routine you can use.
Here is a flow that really works everything, pulling, strength, core, shoulders, etc.
The windmill is great for the shoulders and the core.
Yes, there is nothing better than rolling and actually doing what you’re supposed to, but is it? Here is a great routine to work the hips and get up under pressure. Not sure if you can find someone willing to be your pressure buddy for your workout? I don’t hear the kettlebells complain!
A great combo to work on mobility.
9 great kettlebell exercises to include in your training.
More kettlebell exercises for hand-eye coordination and proprioception.
Yes, each and every one of these kettlebell exercises can damage you, just like MMA or BJJ can if you don’t progress properly, don’t learn the basics, or if you don’t lay a foundation with the fundamentals.
Work on explosiveness, reaction time, and get faster.
Join our exclusive group of people and enter the Caveman Inner Circle for weekly online kettlebell workouts with coaching for less than the cost of a beer out on town.