
Hand eye coordination and proprioception. Kettlebells for fighters ?

How to improve hand-eye coordination for fighting and other sports

Kettlebells are great to improve hand-eye coordination for fighting and other sports. Kettlebells are great to improve proprioception which flows through in daily life or sport. One simple flow works a ton of things. This particular kettlebell combo I put together for instance works: hand-eye coordination proprioception balance core grip hips shoulders and much more… This

How to improve hand-eye coordination for fighting and other sports Read More »

Gi BJJ Comp Training

Just spoke to a good buddy of mine who is entering a Gi BJJ comp after gaining some kilos, he asked what he could do with kettlebells to be more prepared for his upcoming match.   I asked what his weaknesses were. He said that last time his triceps completely gassed out. Thats got something

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BJJ Strength And Conditioning: Hips, Ankles, Knees, Shoulders + Core

The following flexibility and strength routine/flow is great to work on the hips, core, legs, ankles, knees and shoulders, I’ve been using it since 2010 for my BJJ Strength and Conditioning. (see video at top) Double Kettlebell Racked Get-up Racked Alternating Take-down Lunge Racked Alternating Forward Lunge Get-down and repeat   The racked get-up is

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Kettlebell Training for BJJ + MMA

Kettlebell training is great for BJJ, MMA, and any other sport for that matter, it’s great because ‘when done right’ it can improve so many attributes that you need to be a well-skilled fighter. To name a few benefits of kettlebells for fighters: hand-eye coordination proprioception core strength grip strength cardiovascular endurance muscular endurance balance

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