
Coffee athlete performance

How Gym Athletes Should Use Coffee: Benefits and Drawbacks from Coffee Intake

Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of caffeine consumption for athletes, including how it can improve performance and how to avoid any negative side effects. Caffeine in Sport: Health Advantages and Disadvantages for Athletes Caffeine is found in various drinks and a lot of athletes consume it on a regular basis. We know that caffeine […]

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How to perform the CF burpee

How To CrossFit Burpee

In the video, there is a reference to a normal and speed kickback, below explains what that means.   Normal Kickback The normal kickback is where the hands are placed on the ground and the bodyweight is then put onto the hands to be able to raise the hips so that the legs can kickback.

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Barbell Complex

MAXE2MOM CrossFit Barbell Complex

Rx weight 95lbs for male and 65lbs for female. MAX E2MOM Meaning, go for max rounds possible with a 30lbs/20lbs weight increase at the 30-minute mark. A round is every two minutes on the timer. The MAXE2MOM barbell complex: Deadlift Clean Squat Jerk Hang power clean Jerk Alternating racked reverse lunge Repeat once more all

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Curtis P

Curtis P Kettlebell Version

What is Curtis P? Curtis P is a barbell complex designed by SealFit. I’ve been asked by our Inner Circle members to include the Curtis P in our weekly workout. I modified the complex to suit the kettlebell and our training philosophies. Check out the barbell Curtis P here and the kettlebell version here.  

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Marcus Filly

Marcus Filly Kettlebell Tip: Kettlebell Racking for Crossfitters + Filly Press

This week’s kettlebell tip is provided to you by none other than CrossFit athlete Marcus Filly from Revival Strength. Marcus is going to talk and demonstrate how to properly rack/hold a kettlebell, and he’s also going to demonstrate the reverse lunge and press, or as he baptized it, the kettlebell Filly Press. Marcus explains how

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“I’m 25 and got a bulging disc from CrossFit” Is CrossFit bad? Can it be fixed!?

If you scour the internet, fitness groups, Instagram, Twitter, etc. No doubt you would have come across plenty of statements and questions like this.   “I'm 25 and got a bulging disc from CrossFit” “Is CrossFit bad? Can I fix a bulging disc!?”   Let's address the elephant in the room first. CrossFit is not

“I’m 25 and got a bulging disc from CrossFit” Is CrossFit bad? Can it be fixed!? Read More »

Kettlebell workout

Kettlebell Workout Nova

This is Nova, an advanced kettlebell workout. You buy in with 50 CrossFit burpees and then proceed to the main task with is 10 rounds FOR TIME of 6 double kettlebell half snatch and 3 overhead deadlifts each side. The whole workout should take about 18 to 25 minutes. Rx is 2 x 16kg/35lbs for

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