In this video, I demonstrate the kettlebell Curtsy lunge deadlift. It’s a great kettlebell exercise to work on hip, ankle, and knee strength, but also flexibility. The exercise—like any kettlebell exercise—requires progression, if you skip that progression you will run the risk of injury. If the exercise injures you, it wasn’t the exercise but the proper progression or programming that you were lacking.
The exercise is great to improve strength and ROM for external and internal hip rotation. I designed this exercise for our CAVEMANROM suite of exercises. The Curtsy is a great exercise to include in kettlebell combos. We design hybrid workouts in our weekly online kettlebell workouts that include sportstyle, Hardstyle, freestyle, bodyweight exercises, stretches and mobility work.
Here is a favorite of mine, the alternating racked Curtsy lunge into a strict press with double kettlebells. This combines stability, flexibility, and strength into an awesome combo.
Nearly 100 people joined our private group in which we deliver weekly kettlebell workouts, and with over 2 years of running this group, we now have over 150 unique and awesome kettlebell workouts in the library. The videos cover the kettlebell techniques for all the exercises, but most importantly, there are videos on progression and alternatives, this means anyone can join and work their way up through safe progressions. The members that really want to become pro with kettlebells also watch our common mistakes video and can then assess themselves to make sure they avoid the common mistakes, or they submit a video in the private for an assessment by one of the qualified kettlebell coaches and trainers.
The Curtsy lunge can also be done with one or two kettlebells overhead, this video demonstrates with one overhead.
In the following video, I talk about how the Curtsy lunge can injure your knees and how to avoid that with safe progression. The video is nearly 8 minutes in length and can easily be unlocked with a simple email newsletter subscription.