
Kettlebell Mobility

Kettlebell Sqibbons For Mobility

This is an exercise from the CAVEMANROM suite of exercises for flexibility and mobility under load. I named it Sqibbons which is the combination of kettlebell squat and ribbons. This is a great exercise to work on many things at once. Yes, it looks cool but that’s not its primary objective, from this exercise you

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Hybrid Training


Hybrid Training is nothing new. At Cavemantraining we’ve used it since inception. In our case, hybrid is a mix between the best of all worlds. Meaning, strength, endurance, power, mobility, stability, and more from kettlebells, calisthenics, stretches, and poses. In our workouts, which we deliver to the world every week, we include a lot of stretching,

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Curtsy Deadlift

Kettlebell Curtsy Lunge Deadlift

In this video, I demonstrate the kettlebell Curtsy lunge deadlift. It’s a great kettlebell exercise to work on hip, ankle, and knee strength, but also flexibility. The exercise—like any kettlebell exercise—requires progression, if you skip that progression you will run the risk of injury. If the exercise injures you, it wasn’t the exercise but the

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CAVEMANROM—Kettlebells for flexibility and mobility

CAVEMANROM is all about kettlebell exercises for flexibility, stability, proprioception, strength, coordination, and everything else that increases mobility and range of motion. Increase range under load through proper progression.   Some of the exercises, but not limited to, are: 90/90 kettlebell windmill Kings combo Kettlebell folding windmill Kettlebell bent press Kettlebell windmill Kettlebell shinbox getup

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Caveman Stretching Routine

The one stretching routine you should be doing that covers your whole body and gives you mobility for performance in CrossFit, Kettlebells, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. One of the first things you’ll see me do in the video is kneeling and laying back down (reclined hero pose) with the arms extended. I press my hips up and

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The Incredible Sots Press

One of the most incredible kettlebell exercises you can do for strength, flexibility and mobility in one. Every CrossFit box should incorporate this exercise in their mobility sessions. Before you attempt this exercise you will need to be able to squat deep properly, being able to keep the torso upright and heels on the ground.

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The Bent Press

The Bent Press

The Bent Press is an exercise everyone should be incorporating in their training, it’s awesome for so many things. Thoracic mobility Flexibility Core strength Shoulder mobility Shoulder strength Improved posture Injury prevention Kyphosis prevention (rounding of the back) improved breathing Stability and much more It’s also great to get heavier weight overhead and focus on

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