
Strength versus Power

Difference Between Strength and Power, and Does Power Training Have to be Explosive?

 I asked several training-related questions in our online communities without engaging much in the responses. It’s interesting and I truly learn from different responses as they show you different thought patterns and different ways of explaining things. Below is my attempt at explaining the difference between strength and power, and power and explosiveness. I have

Difference Between Strength and Power, and Does Power Training Have to be Explosive? Read More »

Curtsy Deadlift

Kettlebell Curtsy Lunge Deadlift

In this video, I demonstrate the kettlebell Curtsy lunge deadlift. It’s a great kettlebell exercise to work on hip, ankle, and knee strength, but also flexibility. The exercise—like any kettlebell exercise—requires progression, if you skip that progression you will run the risk of injury. If the exercise injures you, it wasn’t the exercise but the

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