Mobility and Flexibility

Kettlebell Mobility

Kettlebell Sqibbons For Mobility

This is an exercise from the CAVEMANROM suite of exercises for flexibility and mobility under load. I named it Sqibbons which is the combination of kettlebell squat and ribbons. This is a great exercise to work on many things at once. Yes, it looks cool but that’s not its primary objective, from this exercise you

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2 Kettlebell Mobility Combos

Kettlebells are extremely good for flexibility and mobility. There is so much that can be done with them. The key is slow, deep, controlled movements with light to medium weight. Separate this from your strength or any other training and take some time to focus and enjoy the movements.   I've designed two great kettlebell mobility

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Overhead Squat Progression

The overhead squat is a full body exercise and extremely difficult, requiring you to use all muscles and joints, and testing your flexibility + stability to the max. The overhead squat is expensive, the overhead squat is something you need to invest a lot of time in, the overhead squat is also dangerous, go ego

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Overhead Squat Mobility

Let’s chat about overhead squat mobility. Having good squat depth and a good overhead lockout is da bomb. It’s almost as cool as doing muscle-ups.   No matter what people say, overhead squat mobility is not just about the shoulders and hips, there is so much more to it. For a good overhead squat you

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Caveman Stretching Routine

The one stretching routine you should be doing that covers your whole body and gives you mobility for performance in CrossFit, Kettlebells, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. One of the first things you’ll see me do in the video is kneeling and laying back down (reclined hero pose) with the arms extended. I press my hips up and

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Thorax workout

Thorax Workout—Injury Proof Yourself

This kettlebell workout is unlike others posted, it’s a workout everyone needs to incorporate at least once a week. I’m talking MMA fighters, BJJ fighters, kettlebell enthusiasts, crossfitters, and fitness enthusiasts. Especially crossfitters! Why did I say especially crossfitters? In kettlebell training, MMA, and BJJ there is already rotation included, whether you get mangled by

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