You know how you get that red faced look, sweating like you just turned the shower on and weak in the knees after a good WOD? Well, now you can experience that 4 times in this awesome kettlebell WOD for Crossfitters, BJJ and MMA fighters, and of course anyone training for GPP (General Physical Preparedness).
First WOD
- 1 strict press
- 4 single arm swings
- 4 goblet squats
- 4 single arm swings
5 minutes
Two minutes rest
Second WOD
Repeat the first one.
5 minutes
Two minutes rest
Third WOD
- 2 dead cleans
- 4 jump over the kettlebell burpees
6 minutes
Two minutes rest
Fourth and final WOD
- 100 front squats
- 100 ‘any’ push-ups
With the dead clean, yes you want to be fast, but you don’t want to butcher the exercise, so obtain a good racking position upon each rep. Watch the video and you’ll see what I mean. The dead clean is squat style, protect your back, look ahead, hips low shoulders high! Very similar to the CrossFit barbell clean apart from the bells being between your feet rather than out in-front of you where you have to hip hinge. Employ the safety racking grip to keep those fingers safe, check our free grip PDF if you don’t know it.
If you want the full details and nitty gritty that I’ve prepared for you just click here, add to your cart and checkout, no payment required. Or check out our many other free downloadable PDFs in our shop.