bjj kettlebell workout

Joe Rogan Kettlebell Workout

Joe Rogan Kettlebell Workout

This kettlebell workout is designed to include what Joe Rogan likes and what he would use for the sports he participates in. The goals of this workout focus on strength, explosiveness, muscular endurance, and cardio. So without further ado, here is the Joe Rogan Workout. “Prepare to go to battle!” Joe Rogan Jump straight to […]

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Kettlebell WOD ‘LASSUS’

You know how you get that red faced look, sweating like you just turned the shower on and weak in the knees after a good WOD? Well, now you can experience that 4 times in this awesome kettlebell WOD for Crossfitters, BJJ and MMA fighters, and of course anyone training for GPP (General Physical Preparedness).

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