Kettlebell Combo Moves

Kettlebell Combo Moves and What are the 6 Basic Kettlebell Movements?

Kettlebell combo moves are exercises performed with a kettlebell and combined together, usually so that they go well together to achieve certain goals. At Cavemantraining we have created some of the most effective and unique kettlebell combos that you can try at home or work your way up to in case they’re more advanced.

If you’re looking for a good list of kettlebell combos to try in your workouts, look no further as below I have a list of 8 kettlebell combos for you.

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Let’s start with the BALDER kettlebell combo and then check out the RAMSAR, BOSTON, POSEIDON, Forty Saints, and other kettlebell combos further below.

The moves in this combo are:

  • Squat for the dead clean
  • Bent over for the row
  • Squat for the dead clean
  • Overhead press

The kettlebell combo is performed with two kettlebells but can also be performed with one kettlebell and switching sides after each rep of the combo. The most advanced part of this combo would be the dead clean.


What are the 6 Basic Kettlebell Movements?

The 6 basic movements that anyone should learn when kettlebell training are:

  1. Squat
  2. Hip hinge
  3. Clean
  4. Press
  5. Swing
  6. Row

The BALDER combo has 5 of those. Let’s look at some more kettlebell combos further below.


Kettlebell Combos

  2. Forty Saints Combo
  3. The BOSTON Combo
  4. The RAMSAR Combo
  5. A Simple Kettlebell Combo
  6. Kettlebell and Bodyweight Combo
  7. A Kettlebell Combo for the Legs and Shoulders
  8. Kettlebell Burpee Combo


1/8 – Single Kettlebell Strength Combo

The POSEIDON GRIND combo is a single kettlebell combo for strength with awesome kettlebell exercises that you’ll usually don’t see. It’s also completely different from the moves that you saw in the BALDER. Things like the Curl, Ribbons, Pullover, and Jefferson Curl. If you enjoy awesome strength workouts, check out Prometheus Phase II Kettlebell 4-Day Split Workout.

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2/8 – Forty Saints Combo

The Forty Saints combo is a bit of a hybrid between combo and kettlebell flow.

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3/8 – The BOSTON Combo

The BOSTON combo is another single kettlebell combo. Some single kettlebell combos can be turned into a double kettlebell combo but due to it being hybrid you can only do it with one. Have a go at some of these combos and make sure to tag us.

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4/8 – The RAMSAR Combo

The RAMSAR kettlebell combo is a mix of grind and ballistic. You’ll notice that at Cavemantrainig we firmly believe in curling with the kettlebell, something that has been frowned upon for a long time by purists and those who blindly follow—go against the grain! Granted, you do need to know grip technique and programming to keep all this safe and effective.

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5/8 – A Simple Kettlebell Combo

Sometimes it’s just good to keep things simple and basic. Here’s a kettlebell combo that is just 2 exercises, the bent-over row with 2 kettlebells and then the single-arm swing.

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6/8 – Kettlebell and Bodyweight Combo

It’s great to mix kettlebells and bodyweight exercises, we do this frequently in our online kettlebell workouts. In this combo, the objective was to allow for some time between heavy kettlebell clean and presses. The jumping jacks and Frankenstein kicks turn this into a strength and cardio interval workout. Have a go at it and no doubt that you’ll love it. Make sure to go nice and heavy on those clean and presses.

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7/8 – A Kettlebell Combo for the Legs and Shoulders

Here’s a kettlebell combo that targets the legs and shoulders performed with a single kettlebell.

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8/8 – Kettlebell Burpee Combo

I already mentioned that it’s a great thing to combine bodyweight exercises with kettlebells, and here’s another example. You perform the kettlebell combo with a single kettlebell and then you break it up with a set of burpees.

If you tried any of these awesome kettlebell combos by Cavemantraining, then make sure to film a short video and tag us. If you have questions about any of the combos, do ask in any of our online communities.

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How to Program Kettlebell Combos?

So, now that you have all these awesome kettlebell combos to work with, how do you program them? How do you work out with them? The answer to that is not that simple and a short version of it here would not do the topic any justice as there are so many goals to program for and so many variables to take into consideration. Luckily you have the option of working online with a qualified kettlebell coach in our private group, buying kettlebell workout books, or a book on how to program for kettlebell training and learn more about that topic.

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