Kettlebell Combo Exercises

Kettlebell Combo Exercises

If you’re looking for great kettlebell combo exercises then you’ve come to the right place, we got hundreds! Seriously, because you can literally combine just about any kettlebell exercise with another exercise. Of course, you want to combine kettlebell exercises that compliment each other, and preferably transition well from one into the next. The clean, press, or snatch is usually the exercise used to transition from one into the next.

Some great kettlebell exercises that compliment each other well are:

  1. Clean and press
  2. Clean and jerk
  3. Snatch and windmill
  4. Snatch and reverse TGU
  5. Dead curl and press
  6. Dead curl squat and press

Videos are further below.

But you can go much more complex and string more kettlebell exercises together as we did with some of our popular kettlebell combos here. Literally, if you get your transition right, which means getting good at kettlebell cleans and learning variations, then you can combine many kettlebell exercises seamlessly.


Can you use 2 kettlebells at once?

Yes, you can create kettlebell combos with 1 or 2 kettlebells as long as you know how to work with them and have the strength to move them both without sacrificing form or technique. The main thing when working with double kettlebells is that you look at protecting your fingers with the racking safety grip and implementing the right racking techniques.



1) Clean and press combo

2) Clean and jerk combo

3) Snatch and windmill combo

4) Dead curl and press combo


These are all very simple combos, for more complex combos check out this article here.


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