Quicksilver Kettlebell Cardio Workout

First published in early 2019 and updated in late 2021.
So simple but so grueling and awesome!
Repeat 3 times FOR TIME
  This free follow-along kettlebell workout has the following videos:
  • Introduction video (viewed in the header)
  • Warm-up technique video (unlocked below)
  • Workout technique video (viewed below)
  • Follow-along warm-up video (unlocked below)
  • Follow-along workout video (viewed below)
  • Follow-along stretching/cooldown video (unlocked below)
This is a Cavemantraining benchmark kettlebell workout and it’s well worth the time to invest in the videos to get it right! Use this workout to progress with your cardio or even kettlebell technique. The workout technique video also contains some alternatives for the people that are not ready for some of the more technical exercises in this workout. The most important reason to watch the technique video is to learn how you can avoid ripping your hands, tendon injuries around the elbows, or other kettlebell injuries.  

Workout Technique

In this video, you’ll find all the details about the exercises, how to perform them, and other important information on the workout itself. The follow-along workout is further below, and you can also unlock the warm-up plus cooldown.   This kettlebell workout is all about:
  • Pacing
  • Mental toughness
  • Cardiovascular endurance
  • Muscular endurance
  • Leaving your ego at the door
  Pacing is about finding the right pace to be able to keep going and not fatigue. It’s about keeping your heart rate at a level so that you can keep moving. It’s about shutting that little inner voice up and pushing through just a few more reps and a few more after that.   You can switch at will but the switch for the clean and swing does not count as a rep. Make sure you always achieve a good rack before attempting your next kettlebell clean, don’t get sloppy. The single-arm swings are to be performed with a hip hinge and bell coming to chest height. The kettlebell should be of medium weight so you can move fast and get a time between 20 and 25 minutes.  

Follow-Along Workout

This is the follow-along workout video, just get your kettlebell ready, press play, and off you go!    

Valuable Resources

If you’re still working on refining your technique and experiencing issues, I can highly recommend you download the following free PDFs that play an important part in the exercises for this workout, namely, grip and racking. Download Master Kettlebell Grips and Master Kettlebell Racking. If you’re looking for a group of people that focus on kettlebell workouts, if you want to learn a lot of kettlebell training, come and join us in our private Caveman Inner Circle for weekly follow-along kettlebell workouts.  

Progressions, Regressions, and Alternatives

For the hang clean you can use an assisted hang clean. For the single-arm swing, you can start with double-arm swings. Progress to single-arm swings. For the single-arm swings, you can use a pendulum swing and progress to the hip hinge and eventually Hardstyle swing. For the half snatch, you can use a clean and push press.



The warm-up for this kettlebell workout is as follows:
  • 5 x bodyweight squats
  • 5 x arm circles forward and backward
  • 5 x alternating single-leg hip circles
4 ROUNDS   Light kettlebell prep.
  • 3 x squat hang lift
  • 3 x hang clean and push press
  • 3 x high pull
  • 3 x pendulum high swing
Repeat on the other side. 4 ROUNDS  

Follow-Along Warm-Up


Follow-Along Cooldown

      Post your time below, on Facebook, hashtag it #cavemantraining #workoutcompleted, Reddit u/cavemankettlebells, or Instagram @realcavemantraining. Post perfect technique on your Instagram, tag us properly and we’ll embed it here.
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Alternatives and Progressions

For beginners, I recommend replacing the half snatch with a clean and push press. Use a double-arm swing instead of a single-arm swing. You can also use assistance for the hang clean. If you’re still banging your wrists, just use a hang lift instead (as explained in the videos). Reduce the reps from 50 to 40 or 30 and/or reduce the rounds. Work your way up to the full workout with the intended exercises.  

Weekly Kettlebell Workouts

Join nearly 100 people in the exclusive caveman inner circle. A group of people from across the world that perform our new workouts before they hit the screen and also have access to us coaches privately and personally. The inner circle is where you’ll learn how to move your kettlebells with grace, how to train safely, and how to train effectively. Reserve your seat and get a voice.    


Check out the Iron Man Workout which also includes hang cleans but with double kettlebell.Related content: 

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