
Kettlebell Combo For Cardio

This is ENZO, a new kettlebell combo by Cavemantraining. This combo was used in one of our weekly workouts. Our workouts target different goals, cardio, strength, endurance, mobility, power, and so on. Some workouts have one task and others have up to 5 tasks. We include a lot of mobility work in our active recovery

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Kettlebell Combo

Intense Kettlebell Combo ALBACOM1

This intense kettlebell combo was designed for one of our weekly online kettlebell workouts. The combo is a dead swing, half snatch, into an overhead reverse lunge, and repeat on the other side. In other words: Dead Backswing Upswing with a hip hinge Backswing Snatch with a hip hinge Keep it overhead Overhead reverse lunge

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Quicksilver Kettlebell Cardio Workout

First published in early 2019 and updated in late 2021. So simple but so grueling and awesome!   50 kettlebell hang cleans 50 kettlebell single-arm swings 50 kettlebell half snatches Repeat 3 times FOR TIME   This free follow-along kettlebell workout has the following videos: Introduction video (viewed in the header) Warm-up technique video (unlocked below)

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Joe Rogan Kettlebell Workout

Joe Rogan Kettlebell Workout

This kettlebell workout is designed to include what Joe Rogan likes and what he would use for the sports he participates in. The goals of this workout focus on strength, explosiveness, muscular endurance, and cardio. So without further ado, here is the Joe Rogan Workout. “Prepare to go to battle!” Joe Rogan Jump straight to

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Cavemantraining Endurance Challenge

Cavemantraining Endurance Challenge—A kettlebell challenge to improve cardiovascular and muscular endurance

Test and increase your cardiovascular and muscular endurance over a period of 27 days. A summary of the challenge: Set a sub-max benchmark for all three exercises Start the 3-day cycle and increase reps by 1 each time End the cycle and perform max reps   Quick navigation links: The kettlebell exercises The kettlebell challenge

Cavemantraining Endurance Challenge—A kettlebell challenge to improve cardiovascular and muscular endurance Read More »

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