SHORT, HEAVY, AND EXPLOSIVE. A barbell + kettlebell workout

The workout is short, just 12 minutes AMRAP, that’s all you need to walk away feeling like you accomplished something today.

Start with a full body warm-up. Perform some light barbell cleans, kettlebell jerks, and kettlebell swings. Find about 60% to 70% of your 1RM on the barbell and kettlebell. Or use the following Rx if you don’t know or don’t want to find it:

  • 60kg/132lbs barbell
  • 32kg/70.5lbs kettlebell

The rep scheme is:

  • 2 barbell cleans + squat
  • 2 dead swing clean + jerk on each side
  • 4 kettlebell single-arm swings on each side

12 minutes AMRAP

The single arm swings are not something that is seen a lot in CrossFit. It’s such a great exercise, especially with heavy weight, the torque requires full core activation and resistance, i.e. great to work the core.

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