Kettlebell Strict Press vs Push Press: What are the situations to use them? (Goals)

When would you use the kettlebell strict press and when would you use the kettlebell push press? What are the situations to use either of them in? What are the differences and what are their goals?

These are great questions which I’ll answer below.

The Difference Between Kettlebell Strict And Push Press

The difference between a strict shoulder press and a push press is that with the strict press you don’t move any other joints other than the shoulder and elbow joints. This means that you are not able to create any momentum or use assistance to get the weight overhead. In other words, this is THE true show of strength for this exercise.

With the kettlebell push press, you start by creating momentum with the legs, i.e. you jerk the knees forward and back to drive the weight up. You employ a good racking position so that you don’t leak power and drive the force directly into the kettlebell.

When To Strict Press?

You use the kettlebell strict press if you want to work on pure strength. Pure core, shoulder, and triceps strength.

When To Push Press?

You use the kettlebell push press if you want to work the legs, work on cardio, work faster, or if you want to get heavier weight overhead then you can strict press.


The goals of the strict shoulder press are shoulder, core, triceps, and upper back strength. Of course, if you pick the right weight, then you can still use the strict press for cardio and even muscular endurance.

The goals of the push press are leg, core, shoulder strength, and leg power. If you use it to get heavier weight overhead than you can strict press and then hold it statically overhead, you are even working on improving your 1RM and shoulder stability.

In summary, the strict press is mainly for pure strength and the push press is more for cardio and power.

If you are interested in learning much more about the kettlebell press, in fact, if you want to learn everything about the kettlebell press and master it, then consider buying Master The Kettlebell Press or enrolling in the online kettlebell certification.

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