7 Frequently asked kettlebell questions answered. We frequently get asked questions related to the frequency of working out with kettlebells and the order of the workouts. We have listed the answers to those questions for you below.
And because every answer is not so simple that it fits in one or two paragraphs, we’ve listed more information for each topic under the FAQ. Simply click on See more and it will take you to more information about that topic.
- Kettlebell Workout FAQ
- How many kettlebell workouts is good to do per week?
- In what order should I do my kettlebell workouts?
- Is it OK to do kettlebells every day?
- How many times a week can you do kettlebell swings?
- Is 20 minutes of kettlebells enough?
- How many times a week should I work out with kettlebells?
- How many kettlebell workouts should a beginner do?
Kettlebell Workout FAQ
How many kettlebell workouts is good to do per week?
You should do at least 2 to 4 workouts per week, but the best answer to this question is: as many as recovery allows. You should do 5 at a light intensity, or 3 to 4 at moderate intensity, or 2 to 3 at high intensity. In reality, it’s impossible to give a fixed number of workouts to do for everyone as each workout and person is different. People have different goals, etc. See more.
In what order should I do my kettlebell workouts?
It depends on what type of workouts and how many days of rest you have. Even with split workouts, the answer is not that simple, as it depends on how many days are in the split and what muscles they target. But you want to move from one muscle group to the other and focus on those not used or heavily taxed in the prior workout. See more.
Is it OK to do kettlebells every day?
No. In general, the correct answer would be no. If we are talking about 7 days a week and 365 days a year, the answer is no. If you have one or two really well-planned weeks of workouts, then it’s possible to do a workout every day. See more.
How many times a week can you do kettlebell swings?
You can do swings every day if you are using the right weight and reps. You need to make sure that you stay outside of the fatigue zone and are able to recover within the rest period from one day to the next. You can do 5 sets of 10 swings which is less than 3 minutes of work and do one in the morning and one in the afternoon. See more.
Is 20 minutes of kettlebells enough?
20 minutes of kettlebell work can definately be enough. Whether it is, will depend on what your goals are and how you will use the kettlebell. A high-intensity EMOM works wonders. See more.
How many times a week should I work out with kettlebells?
You should work out as many times per week as your recovery allows. Even if you have a program that says you need to train for 4 days a week if you listen to your body and it says that you need to rest, then you need to cut your days for that week. Not working with kettlebells (resistance) does not mean that you need to lose out on training, train ROM, flexibility, mobility, and technique. See more.
How many kettlebell workouts should a beginner do?
A beginner should do as few workouts as possible and focus more on form and technique. This is under the assumption that a workout means to go heavy, to get your sweat on, or to give it all you got. Training is considered something different, and a beginner should spend more time on form and technique rather than working out. See more.
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More: How many kettlebell workouts is good to do per week?
Light and short cardio workouts can be done as often as 5 to 6 days a week. Heavy strength sessions 2 to 4 days a week depending on the percentage of 1RM. For example, if you perform all your exercises at 100% of your 1 rep max, then your body needs more time to recover, you would need at least 2 to 3 days or sometimes even more. On the other hand, light workouts do not cause that much stress to the muscles and require less or no recovery time at all.
The exact number of workouts will vary from person to person and the stage of their journey they’re at. There are so many variables that come into play that literally the one and the only correct answer is: As many as recovery allow (which is exactly my answer when people ask this question). A book that goes deeper into this topic is How to Program for Kettlebell Training.
More: In what order should I do my kettlebell workouts?
The answer to this question really depends on what you’re doing. If you’re doing split strength workouts, then in general you want to move from larger to smaller muscle groups. For example, upper legs, back, chest, shoulders, traps, triceps, biceps, lower legs, etc.
If you are doing cardio intense workouts, then you want to go high to low and back to high, making sure there is always enough recovery before the next intense workout.
If you are mixing cardio, strength, and mobility workouts, then you can start with the cardio workout, followed by the strength, do your mobility workout, and throw in another strength day, for example. This also comes down to how many rest days you have to play with. If your week is full, then you want to see that intensity curve on the chart go and down. Heavy strength, moderate cardio, and mobility work followed by a rest day. Again, there are so many variables that come into play that it comes down to you learning how to program or having someone program for you.
More: Is it OK to do kettlebells every day?
It’s not OK to do heavy swings that tax the body every day. It’s ok to do moderately heavy swings most of the days. And it’s ok to do light swings every day. What is heavy, moderate or light is relative to how conditioned your body is to the weight. For one person 12kg is light and for another 12kg is heavy.
More: How many times a week can you do kettlebell swings?
If you start doing heavier swings then you want more recovery, and how much recovery you need will depend on the weight, reps, and sets. The best thing to do is to listen to your body and progressively overload it. Doing heavy swings that tax the muscles every day is a big no. Heavy mixed with light swings and recovery days is ok.
More: Is 20 minutes of kettlebells enough?
Even 8, 10, 12, or other durations of workouts can be enough. It doesn’t matter what you do, if you do it right then it is enough. This even applies to strength and is effective, as long as you work with the right reps and weight. For example, working with 80 to 90% of your 1RM, performing 6 reps at 15 seconds per rep, will allow you to do one set in 2 minutes. Perform the same on the other arm. That’s 4 minutes. Rest one minute. Perform the same concept for the racked squat. That’s a total of 10 minutes. Perform two rounds, which makes a total of 20 minutes. It’s the fact that you are working with a high percentage of your 1RM, slow reps, and only two exercises that will make your 20 minutes effective work.
Work with a split routine and you will be able to fill 5 days of the week with your workouts, having only spent a total of 100 minutes on working out. Of course, you also need to take into account your warm-up, prep work, and cooldown. If you’re after a solid kettlebell routine that will keep you busy for 12-week cycles, then check out our Prometheus Phase II strength program that has everything you need, ebook, videos, printable recording sheets, and the option of a 3, 4, or 6-day split workout.
More: How many times a week should I work out with kettlebells?
You should work out as much as your recovery allows. If your program calls for 5 days a week but your body says 3, then that’s what you need. As you find that you’re not recovering to get back to those 5 days a week then you need to lower the intensity and/or duration of your workouts. Less is more. Less load, fewer reps, fewer rounds, etc., can mean more workout days. It’s better to be doing something more frequently than something too intense for fewer days.
More: How many kettlebell workouts should a beginner do?
A great way to structure your workout days: one day you focus on form and technique, by testing the workout exercises, looking at the common mistakes, and then perfecting them. The next day you can do that workout. A great way to work on your form and technique is by looking at technique videos, filming yourself trying to replicate the form and technique, and then self-assess. Make notes of the mistakes made and work on correcting those over a period of time. Remember that perfecting form and technique takes time.
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