One incredible kettlebell WOD consisting of four tasks! The first task is:
CrossFit Burpees
4 Min. AMRAP
The second task is a kettlebell combo:
Alternating kneeling press
6 Min. AMRAP
The third task is three sets of carefully picked exercises, four reps of each exercise:
- 4 Gorilla Cleans
- 4 Front Squats
- 4 Clean and Jerk
16 Min. AMRAP
The fourth and last task is the same as task one, but, download the PDF to see how you need to work out the penalties for this one:
CrossFit Burpees
4 Min. AMRAP
Download the PDF for easy printing, movement standards, rest time and much more… If you missed the video at the top of the page, you can also see it here on Youtube.
With the kneeling combo it will take a bit of time to get into a rhythm where you don’t have to think too much about what you’re doing, so don’t get too frustrated with yourself right away.
In the main task of this workout, you will need to know how to rack your kettlebell properly, otherwise, you’ll be doing a whole lot of push-ups. Not sure how to rack properly? Download the PDF on how to rack properly.
Getting back to the task at hand, task 3 dictates that if you put the kettlebells down during the 16 minutes, you do 10 push-ups, no matter what. Hence, if you don’t want to do push-ups, learn how to rack properly, so you can rest with the kettlebells.
Gorilla Cleans
Clean and Jerk
Keeping score looks messy, but here’s the translation: the first number is the reps for task 1, then task 2, and for task 3 keep track of how many rounds you did without putting the kettlebells down, then final number above your first task, so it’s easy to see the difference.
To work your way up to Gorilla Cleans, try: