Kettlebells For Strength, Flexibility, and Mobility

This is one of my morning routines with kettlebells. This particular routine is focussed on strength, flexibility, and mobility.

The exercises in the video are part of the CAVEMANROM suite of kettlebell exercises for strength, flexibility, and mobility.

The whole session took about 90 minutes, there was no rushing, and stretches or mobility between exercises. The whole body is receiving benefits from this workout but in particular:

  • hips
  • ankles
  • thoracic
  • knees
  • shoulders

and so much more.

Not only does this sessions target mobility but also strength.

These are not beginners exercises and should be progressed to over a period of time. Learn the kettlebell fundamentals first. Learn how to lift a kettlebell, how to grip and rack it, then learn how to swing it, clean it, press it, row it, snatch it, and then proceed with the more advanced exercises.

If you enjoy full-length kettlebell workouts and hear commentary then join our Caveman Inner Circle, a private group for people that want coaching and a new workout each week.

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