I’m so excited about putting this kettlebell WOD up, you’ll understand what I’m talking about once you complete this. This is currently on the top of my favorites.
First task – 22 min AMRAP
- 2 x Dead to Overhead and Surrender
- 2 x Push-up into Renegade Rows
- 2 x Wide Bent-over Rows
- 2 x Archer Push-up L/R
You’re working with two kettlebells, recommended weight is 50 to 65% of your 1RM Row.
1 to 2-minute rest. If you’re hardcore and it’s a piece of cake, forget the rest and move on to your next task.
Second task – 6 min AMRAP
- Double-arm Swings
- You’re working with one kettlebell, recommend weight is 45 to 55% of your 1RM Swing.
1 to 2-minute rest.
Third and final task
150 alternating Strict Presses – for time
Working with one kettlebell 50 to 60% of your 1RM Strict Press.