IKFF Level 1 Test Explained

IKFF Level 1 Assessment/Level 1 Test Explained (with video)

In 2016 I had the honor of participating in an IKFF Level 1 Certification, and to pass the certification you need to successfully complete a tough test which is the IKFF Level 1 Assessment that consists of 100 hand-to-hand swing switches, 32 single-arm clean and press, 60 full snatches, and 30 front squats. The video demonstrates a kettlebell sport style technique for all the exercises.

Not everyone passed the test on the day. Prepare yourself. Following is a video I took of the test and put online for you to get a better understanding of what is required from you, check it out below.

Make sure you also check out the up-to-date and official requirements on their website here.

I also shot some awesome footage with Steve Cotter at my place on the Costa del Sol, check out his juggling and kb skills below. Hold on, it gets even better, I also shot the History of the Kettlebell video with Steve Cotter on the beach, make sure you check out our channel and Facebook to stay up to date.

IKFF Certification

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