14 April 2018 The first vlog entry is that of some light training. I carried up our backpack with camera equipment plus a 16kg kettlebell. Anna and I also shot some footage to promote the Unconventional Kettlebell Competition Spartan Warrior. Benooi was at work this day. We’re still a long way out, so training does not have to be insanely hard yet.
About The Author
Taco Fleur
StrongFirst Certified Kettlebell Instructor (SFG2), Russian Girevoy Sport Institute Kettlebell Coach, IKSFA Kettlebell Sport Coach, IKFF Certified Kettlebell Teacher, Kettlebell Sport Rank 1, HardstyleFit Kettlebell Level 1 Instructor., CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, CrossFit Judges Certificate, CrossFit Lesson Planning Certificate, Kettlebells Level 2 Trainer, Kettlebell Science and Application, MMA Fitness Level 2, MMA Conditioning Level 1, BJJ Purple Belt and more. Owner of Cavemantraining and IKU™ (International Kettlebell University). Featured in 4 issues of the Iron Man magazine.