Kettlebell EMOM

12-Minute High-Intensity Interval Kettlebell Workout

This is PAIN by Cavemantraining. A 12-minute high-intensity red zone training kettlebell workout performed with double and single kettlebell. Don’t miss the video at the bottom of the page.

The workout is an EMOM of 12 minutes with the first 4 minutes each minute being 3 reps of:

  • Double kettlebell dead clean
  • Single kettlebell dead snatch
  • CrossFit Burpee

The last 8 minutes each minute is 2 reps of:

  • Double kettlebell dead clean
  • Single kettlebell dead snatch
  • CrossFit Burpee

The first 4 minutes are programmed as 3 reps to skyrocket that heart straight away, and it’s then lowered to 2 reps so that the workout is still extremely tough but achievable.

If you’re not sure what an EMOM is, it means Every Minute On the Minute you perform a task. For this workout, that task is 3 reps of the double kettlebell dead clean, 3 reps of the single kettlebell dead snatch on each side, and 3 CrossFit burpees. For the first 4 rounds (4 minutes) the reps are 3 and for the last 8 rounds (8 minutes) the reps are 2 for each exercise.

As the minute starts, you start the task and complete it as fast as possible and rest for the remainder of the minute. As the next minute starts, you do the same thing and repeat for as long as the minutes run.

Kettlebell Workout Interval Heart Rate

This is a super intense workout and my heart rate was in the red zone for 74% of the workout. I used 2 × 16kg/35lb for the dead clean and 1 × 24kg/53lb for the dead snatch. My highest heart rate was 167 BPM, the average was 157 BPM, and the minimum was 114 BPM. 218 calories burned in 12 minutes not taking into account the afterburn.

Let me know what you think and post in one of our kettlebell communities when you completed the workout. If you have a heart rate monitor, post a screenshot of your heart rate graph. For printed books to arrive at your door worldwide, check out your local Amazon website.


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