Kettlebell Lunge Windmill for Thoracic Mobility and more

The kettlebell lunge windmill is one of my favourite exercise to use at the end of a hard workout.

Major benefits

  1. Thoracic mobility
  2. Thoracic rotation
  3. Shoulder stability
  4. Shoulder strength
  5. Core strength
  6. Isometrics


Isometric, meaning you keep the muscles contracted during the exercise:

  • latissimus dorsi
  • triceps
  • gluteals
  • pectorals
  • abdominals
  • obliques

Pretty much full-body contraction.

Key points:

  • Keep pressing into the ground
  • Keep the lats active to protect the shoulders and provide better support
  • Keep the abdominals contracted
  • Keep the quads on the straight leg contracted to keep the knee locked out

How to do it:

  1. place the kettlebell in-front of the right foot
  2. lunge forward with the left foot so it’s inline with the kettlebell
  3. with the left hand grab the handle
  4. pull the kettlebell through the legs diagonally and clean the weight up
  5. keep the back straight while cleaning
  6. press the kettlebell up
  7. start rotating to your left
  8. rotation is created in the thoracic, from shoulders to mid torso, not the hips or lumbar
  9. gently place the right hand on the ground
  10. press into the ground
  11. activate the lats
  12. contract the abs
  13. straighten the back leg
  14. lock the knee out with the quads, keep them contracted
  15. everything aligned properly
  16. hold for x seconds
  17. lower the knee first
  18. press the knee into the ground, let it assist for balance and coming back to neutral lunge position
  19. rotate back to neutral position
  20. rack the kettlebell
  21. lower the kettlebell
  22. all the weight on the front leg and press up
  23. pull the back leg into position
  24. stand in neutral position
  25. repeat on the other side


Tip: once you’ve mastered all finer points of this exercise, increase weight and range, open the chest up more by letting the kettlebell pull the arm back more, in turn opening up the chest more. This has to be done in a controlled manner and never to the point of pain. In other words, normally the kettlebell is directly aligned with your shoulders and hand that’s on the ground, for this added stretch you’re going to let the kettlebell fall slightly back and pull your arm.

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