Quick Kettlebell Cardio Workout Advanced

Another kettlebell workout along the lines of simple and quick. Simple as in its only four exercises and 3 reps per exercise, working only for 12 minutes. But advanced as in the movements and transitions.

You can easily do this workout on its own or you can include it in your WODs as a task to complete. The exercises are:

  • Reverse lunge dead clean
  • Single arm swing
  • Jerk
  • Snatch
Complete 3 reps of each. Finish one side, that’s one round. Do as many as you can within 12 minutes.

You need just one kettlebell of light to medium weight because you want to be able to complete the full 12 minutes and work fast paced.

If you’re a crossfitter: The workout has it all, very specific to other techniques you use with the barbell, i.e. the pull in the dead clean can be compared to the power clean, but it’s just one leg you’re using, so providing more benefit in your training. The swing can be used to improve your American swing, you’re using one hand here, not two. The Jerk and the snatch are also in it.


Want to learn how to use kettlebells, or how to incorporate more kettlebells in your WODs? As a qualified CrossFit trainer I provide workshops in the EU to teach efficiency, variations, skill transfer, safety, progressions, and much more.

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