Searching Google January 2017 for “types of kettlebell racking” even “kettlebell racking position variations”, delivered no results, surely not everyone racks the same, and for sure there are at least two different positions I know of. They can’t both be called “Racking Position”, because, how do you make it clear which one you want someone to do?
Today, Cavemantraining baptizes the Cradle Racking Position AKA Cradle Rack, Chest Racking Position AKA Chest Rack, Hybrid Racking Position AKA Hybrid Rack, Shoulder Racking Position AKA Shoulder Rack and the Trap Racking Position AKA Trap Rack.
What is racking?
Racking a barbell or kettlebell is the process of putting a piece of equipment into a position where it can rest, preferably without as much stress or resistance provided to the body.
Cradle Racking Position
The cradle rack is a position where the bell rests in the cradle of your biceps and forearm, your hand is turned away from the chest, this is also the best racking position for females with breasts, the larger the breasts, the further away the palm should turn away from the chest. Furthermore, this position is also good if you have forearm bruising or other problems, as the weight is shared through support from the biceps, hence, only half the weight on your forearm. And last but not least, the cradle racking position is also the most efficient for the front press, as the weight is directly above your forearm and not pulling to one side, the weight is closer to the endpoint, not only vertically, but also frontal, we’re talking inches, but inches start to count with heavy weight and high volume reps.
Chest Racking Position
The chest rack is the most common racking position in kettlebell training, it’s where the hand is more placed to the centerline of the chest and the bell rests more on the forearm.
Hybrid Racking Position
I’ve had quite a few females ask me what the best kettlebell racking position for females in CrossFit is, and whether you do CrossFit, kettlebell training or kettlebell sport, the concept is all the same and the cradle rack is the best position for females with large breasts. The hybrid rack is positioned between the chest and cradle.
Shoulder Racking Position
This is what I call the shoulder rack, and this racking position is certainly not something you see employed often in kettlebell training, and certainly not in kb sport apart from a split second before entering the final racking position at the front. But you can carry your kettlebells around in this position for walking drills, or even when having to move your kettlebell.
Trap Racking Position
This is what I call the trap rack, and again this is not a position that is seen in conventional methods of training, but this is Cavemantraining, so we have to be unconventional and do what others don’t. Great position to perform back squats in. You can see a video of this on the article “14 Kettlebell Squat Variations“.
If you’re wondering what they all look like, I suggest to download out the free grip and rack pdf. Also, check out this article here which has detailed illustrations of the kettlebell rack position.