13 Exercises for Herniated Discs

Exercises for Herniated Discs in the Lumbar Area

Exercise for Herniated Discs L1, L2, L3, L4, L5

13 exercises, poses, and stretches for herniated discs in the lumbar area. These exercises are specifically targeting the areas that can alleviate pain, and help prevent herniated discs in the future.

  1. Cat-Cow
  2. Kneeling to Standing
  3. Spinal decompression
  4. Stiff-legged hip hinge
  5. Superman
  6. Cat push-up
  7. Downward Dog
  8. Bridge
  9. Knees to Chest
  10. Reverse leg raise
  11. High Plank
  12. Upward Dog
  13. Side Plank

These exercises have been carefully chosen to help increase your core strength, stability, and flexibility with a particular focus on strengthening the muscles around the hips, pelvis, abdominals, and back.

Download the program, the hip routine, how to adjust the exercises, how to regress and progress, how to adjust the programming, and the technique for each exercise.

To heal the herniated discs:

  • Avoid heavy exercise
  • Avoid any exercise that triggers pain
  • Avoid ballistic, fast, and jerky exercises
  • Massage
  • Foam roll
  • Eat well
  • Stretch
  • Strengthen weak areas
  • See a chiropractor at least once

The worst thing you can do is do nothing and lie down for long periods of time.

Spinal Column

This workout to alleviate pain and promote strength and stability includes the following exercises:

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression is about creating space between your vertebrae and can help to alleviate radiating pain caused by compressed nerves.

Upward Dog or Half Cobra

These exercises work on the reverse of what one usually does during the day, which is sitting and hunching forward.

Knees to Chest into Reverse Leg Raise

These exercises are to decompress the spine and strengthen the abdominal area.

Side Plank

The side plank helps to strengthen core muscles from a different angle than the plank and also emphasizes work for the hip muscles.

Cat Push-Up

This variation of the push-up promotes strength and flexibility in the upper back around the scapula but also promotes core strength.


This exercise works the whole of the posterior chain, the legs, the back, and the shoulders. The pose promotes flexibility and core strength.

Herniated Disc Diagram


After you’ve strengthened the areas and there are no symptoms, it’s time to add different movements like light lateral thoracic flexion.

After a period of time with no symptoms, add gentle rotational exercises to not neglect to strengthen all movements of the spine.


The program covers the technique for the exercises, alternatives and progressions, how to program, how to progress, and additional work like how to stretch while watching TV, reading a book, or working on the laptop. How to lay in a position to open up the spine and alleviate pain.

Hip Routine

The program also includes a 2-minute hip routine that can be performed regularly. The routine promotes ease of movement, range of motion, and loosens everything up in the hips. Stiff hips can also cause havoc on the spine.

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