
Online Kettlebell Certifications

  1. Kettlebell Fundamentals Trainer
  2. Kettlebell Clean Trainer
  3. Kettlebell Snatch Trainer
  4. Kettlebell For Strength and Flexibility Trainer CAVEMANROM


Why become a Caveman Trainer?

  • Adds variety to your workouts
  • Teaches you to think outside the box
  • Shows you how to think movement, not equipment
  • Learn about the importance of progression
  • How to be more involved in your client’s workout/motivation
  • Safety, incident prevention
  • Understand and overcome your client’s Psychological barriers
  • Be the “unique”, “crazy”, “mean” but successful trainer that everyone talks about
  • Learn things you don’t learn at school
  • Make more money by optimizing your time (training more people) using the “buddy” system


People turn to trainers for a variety of reasons. Most are looking for someone to keep them accountable and to push them to a level they wouldn’t reach when working out alone. As a personal trainer, your focus should be on providing your clients with effective sessions that get them the results that they’re looking for.

Our Caveman circuit workouts are structured in a way that allows you to work with multiple clients simultaneously while still providing each with an intense, effective training session. Sessions last 30 minutes—a duration that both you as a trainer and your clients will appreciate. And they feature complex, multi-joint exercises that will challenge everyone, from beginners to advanced athletes.

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