Master The Basic Kettlebell Swing
Amazingly simple, but extremely detailed. Learn how to swing a kettlebell.
This book will cover every intricate detail of the two-arm conventional kettlebell swing, explained and broken down in such a way that everyone can understand it; it’s basic but at the same time advanced; start swinging properly within a couple of days.
“The most comprehensive guide on the kettlebell swing I have ever seen.” ~ Derek Fronczak (NESTA Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and Functional Training specialist)
Whether you are a personal trainer who wants to fully understand and be able to teach their clients the kettlebell swing step-by-step, or whether you’re a kettlebell enthusiast who is looking to strengthen the back, improve cardio, strengthen the core, improve flexibility or potentially eradicate neck and back pain, this book is for you.
The title of this book contains the word basic for the sole purpose that we have dedicated this book to just one version of the kettlebell swing and we’re going to release another book called Master The Kettlebell Swing which covers every swing variation imaginable. In effect, this book is all you need if you want to master the most popular swing for fitness. If you want to get the nitty-gritty on the swing and learn each and every variation, wait.
There is no nonsense or page filling content in this book, the content is all directly related to the kettlebell swing, following is the index for the book:
- The Conventional Two-Arm Kettlebell Swing (Hip Hinge Style)
- Introduction
- Swing Variations
- Squatting versus Hip Hinging
- Pre-requisites and progression
- Posture
- Muscles Involved
- Muscle Groups
- Four Phases
- Pendulum Concept
- Explosiveness
- Plank drill
- The height of the Swing
- Breathing
- Timing
- Calluses and Hand Maintenance
- Chalk
- Gloves
- Footwear
- Quality over Quantity
- Grow Gradually
- Choosing Weight
- Common Sense
- The Movement Step by Step
- Faults and Correction
- Hyperextending the Back
- Happy Feet
- Frontal Raise
- Kettlebell Coming too Low
- Rounded Back
- Kettlebell Bobbing
- Cowboy Legs
- Torso Coming too Low
- Knees Staying Bent
- Feet too Far Apart
- Power Swinging
- Aches and Pains
- Lower Back
- Forearms
- Elbow / Upper Arms
- Shoulders
- Knees
- Cues
- Notes
Leslie Clarke (Verified Customer) –
Very informative – will use and refer to this for a long time…
Mario (Verified Customer) –
Great Intro
Kuehner James (Verified Customer) –
Perfect detailed instructions
Laura Bykofsky (Verified Customer) –
Taco Fleur has a great way to communicate how to do this vital exercise. The photos were helpful. Swing Away!!!
Valerio Capi (Verified Customer) –
Very interesting
Fuad Efendiyev (Verified Customer) –
Really great book written with dedication, a lot of super important details, I especially liked “Quality over Quantity”, and I do 5 sets of 10-12, explosive, even with explosive and loud exhale (I believe it increases air pressure in lungs); going against Tim Ferris (75 swings nonstop for losing weight)
Dave Mathias (Verified Customer) –
Even though I have been using kettlebells for a few years I still found plenty in this book that I didn’t know
William J Hughes IV (Verified Customer) –
Taco Fleur wrote the most comprehensive book on the Kettlebell Swing. Written for the student and the instructor, Taco breaks down the kettlebell swing to all its key components in a clear, simple, and bold style. Since the swing is fundamental to learning the clean and the snatch, this book lays the foundation to perform the swing safely and effectively. Use the links embedded in the ebook as a tool to help you learn or teach the swing.
Arm yourself with knowledge!
pascal doulbeau (Verified Customer) –
très bien expliqué !!
Russ Wood (Verified Customer) –
A great tool in learning proper technique!