Although the origin story is a bit unclear, what we have come to know as kettlebells today were first used as a weighing tool for farmers. They would later become popular after being used in Russia and other parts of Europe.
When used correctly, they can enhance body flexibility, build strength and promote fat loss. Kettlebell exercises can also prepare your body’s central nervous system for heavier weights and stimulate the body’s energy, which can increase your energy for workouts.
The kettlebell has been in existence for over two centuries. But for some reason, this kettle-shaped weight lifting gem is usually ignored or forgotten. The kettlebell is built like an iron cannonball with a handle attached to the top.
As small as they are, they can play a huge role in your workout process. A minute of working out with a kettlebell will use up about 20 calories, and this is the same amount expended when you run a 6-minute mile. “Small but mighty” is the phrase you are probably looking for.
However, before you think of buying a kettlebell or picking one up on your next gym appointment, you should first understand the perfect kettlebell weight for your body. This should be done carefully due to its impact on both your workout process and your life in general.
Let’s walk you through some tips for choosing the best kettlebell weight for yourself.
Tips for Choosing the Right Kettlebell Weight
You must know that there isn’t a proven method to determine the amount of weight your muscles can carry. There’s no handbook to the muscle’s capabilities in weightlifting. So, you’ll have to try different kettlebell weights for yourself.
But while there’s no solution to this problem, professionals have developed tips to help you speed up the process. Nobody wants to lift weights that won’t help them build muscle or lift kettlebells that could potentially put their lives in danger.
These tips will put you on the right path to knowing the perfect kettlebell weight for you.
- Choose a kettlebell that you can lift ten times with moderate difficulty. Try to make sure that the kettlebell isn’t too heavy, and make sure you aren’t feeling sharp pains when you lift it. Also, make sure that it isn’t too easy.
- Make sure you rest for 30-60 seconds after the first 10 reps.
- By the time you lift the tenth rep in the third set, you should find it harder than the previous two sets but not so hard that you can’t complete it. This is the weight you’ll need for your kettlebell lifting journey, and you should strive to maintain that intensity.
Kettlebell and Its Health Impact
Exercising is great for the body’s health, and kettlebell lifting is no different. It’s very helpful for people who have diabetes. The lifting process helps build body muscle, which eventually leads to the loss of fat. Muscles are also known to reduce energy, reducing the blood sugar level – a dream for any diabetes patient.
Sixty seconds of kettlebell lifting equates to 6 minutes of running. Those burnt calories can do wonders to anybody looking to prevent heart diseases. It provides the heart with the necessary cardio it requires to stay fit. They also help lower blood pressure and reduce the amount of dangerous LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream.
Sadly, kettlebell lifting is not ideal for people with arthritis or those suffering from severe back or knee pain. A kettlebell is a tool that requires lots of knee and back work. If you know yours won’t be able to take it, you should go for a less intense workout procedure.
Although you can reduce the weight of the bells as time goes by, pregnant women should stay away from kettlebell lifting. Overall, you should make sure you check with your doctor or a professional before you begin.
Final Notes
Now that you understand the tips to know the perfect weight your muscles can carry, it’s time for you to set your goals. Whether you want to build muscles, increase flexibility or stay fit in general, there are different kettlebell workout procedures to cater to your needs. You only need to discover the ones that fit your immediate needs.
This article is written by an external author and does not necessarily represent the views of Cavemantraining.