kettlebell cardio workout

Kettlebell snatch workout

Kettlebell Snatch Workout

This is a kettlebell snatch workout, it’s a killer workout! Snatches and runs for three AMRAP and then a FOR TIME task. I programmed adequate rest with a rep scheme that allows you to go all out for the duration of the tasks. The tasks are: 4/4 hang snatch 50m run 6m AMRAP 3 min

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Killer. Killa. Workout

This kettlebell cardio workout is an absolute killer. If you like the gasping for air workouts, this is it.   You buy-in with 100 calories on the assault bike, 80 for females. Then you proceed with 12 rounds of: 4 snatch into overhead reverse lunge 4 push ups ‘any’ 8 calories on the assault bike

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