clean and jerk

21-Day Clean And Jerk Challenge

Welcome To The 21-Day Clean And Jerk Challenge The clean and jerk is an awesome combination to increase cardiovascular endurance but also to work on muscular endurance and mental toughness. If you thought that the kettlebell swing was the best exercise for cardio, think again.     As always, anyone can do this challenge. The

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WOD CT10.4—With Heavy Deadlifts

This workout consists of three tasks, first one is for strength, heavy deadlifts, swings, and presses. The second task is medium weight working on explosiveness and plyometrics, double kettlebell clean and jerk, and wall ball. The third task is to work on mobility, shoulders, thoracic, hips etc.   Task One This task is about strength, you’ll

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CLC—a hardcore workout

This is CLC, Cycle Long Cycle. If you’re new to the kettlebell world, Long Cycle (LC) is generally a clean and jerk. In our case we’re also adding some cycling, the Assault Bike to be exact. These two together are a serious recipe for a killer workout. This WOD consists of two tasks, your first

CLC—a hardcore workout Read More »

10+ Tips For Kettlebell Jerks

Kettlebell Jerks are awesome! It’s a full body exercise and depending on how many you do unbroken it will even have a great cardio effect. Jerks are great on their own, but combine them with the clean, and you have an exercise that taxes maximum muscles. In this video I will provide some tips to

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