Exercise combo: Hang clean, jerk, into the overhead reverse lunge.
Duration: 6, 12, or 30 minutes.
Kettlebell: 1 or 2
Scoring: Total weight moved equals valid reps times weight
Level: From novice to expert
One repetition starts in racked position and ends in the racked position.
The bottom of the hang clean requires that the top of the bell should be visible inline, or under the knee.
The clean ends in racking position and is then brought overhead with a jerk.
The kettlebell remains overhead in the lockout from jerk into reverse lunge and back into standing (full extension of the knees and hips).
When working with one kettlebell, it’s recommended to keep the foot that’s under the kettlebell in place while the other moves back, however, doing the opposite will not result in a no-rep.
The front foot should remain flat on the ground during the reverse lunge.
The back knee should touch the ground.
Come back up into a neutral standing position with the kettlebell still overhead. Rack the kettlebell. This is one repetition. Repeat.
The exact position for bell past knee is at the crease located at the back of the knee, AKA the middle of the knee. The bell is round and the highest point of the bell should be inline or past the crease at the back of the knee.
The jerk needs to consist of two clear dips with the elbow being locked out before reaching a neutral standing position.
The overhead lockout requires the kettlebell to be located above the shoulder with a full elbow lockout.
From overhead into racking should be a clear rack rather than a drop from overhead into the hang.
Novice can perform hang clean, push-press, into the racked reverse lunge.
Rest can be in any position where the kettlebell is either overhead or in a racking position.
When resting overhead the elbows are not allowed to flex.
Unlimited switches allowed with one kettlebell.
A switch needs to be achieved with a hang switch where the bell comes below the knee line.
Point deduction:
- A) No full knee and/or hip extension achieved in the neutral standing position upon return from the reverse lunge
-1 point - B) No neutral standing position achieved before lowering from overhead
-1 point - C) No proper overhead lockout maintained during the reverse lunge
-3 points - D) Top of kettlebell not reaching to or below the knee line during the hang clean or switch
-1 point - E) No clear rectangle shape achieved between both legs at the bottom of the lunge
-1 point
All deduction points are added up and calculated as weight divided by 6 times the total points deducted equals the weight deducted from the total weight moved. For example, the weight used is 20kg, divided by 6 equals 3.3kg. The total deduction points are 14 times 3.3kg equals 46.66kg deducted from the total weight moved.
No rep:
- Incorrect exercise
- Knee not touching the ground upon reverse lunge
- Other requirements not met
- Switching in a way other than defined
- Incorrect exercise
- Putting the weight down before time is up unless you’re submitting a scaled version
- Letting the weight hang for anything other than a hang clean or hang switch
- Touching the other kettlebell with the non-working hand
- Two warnings for the same fault
- Unsafe lifting
How to submit your entry?
- Follow the guidelines set out for filming
- Submit your entry in our Facebook groups (Kettlebell Training or Kettlebell Workout) following the format listed below
The format to use when submitting your entry is:
Weight: (choose your weight, 1 or 2 kettlebells)
Reps: (number of total VALID reps within the time)
No reps: (number of total INVALID reps)
Point deduction: (total number of points to deduct if any)
Time: (6, 12 or 30 minutes)
#ukc #spartanwarrior #cavemantraining
If you’re not submitting from your own Facebook account then you should include your name in the entry, and a way to contact you.
Detailed instructions and a breakdown of the technique.
If you are judging someone else’s entry, please make sure to judge as follows. Write down the time at which the no rep or point deduction occurred. The following is an example. 0:31 C -3
1:02 A -1
4:01 NOREP
Each participant that enters and completes the 6, 12, or 30 minutes will get the opportunity to download their certificate of completion.
Why this combo?
We designed this kettlebell combo to be extremely taxing and requiring multiple abilities, namely: leg strength, stability, overhead mobility, and finesse. The movements mostly tax the lower body. The upper-trapezius, shoulder, and scapula areas are also involved.
Dropping the kettlebell for a hang into clean is one of the most taxing cleans you can do, from there straight into the jerk which is also lower-body. The kettlebell is kept overhead after the jerk (unless novice) and the overhead reverse lunge is performed, this is yet another tough exercise, one that requires leg strength, stability, overhead mobility, and a good strong core.
Why allow multiple switches?
The objective is to get out as many valid reps as possible but also provide the opportunity for everyone to join in. In the end, the more switches you do, the fewer reps you get out.
Neutral standing
A neutral standing position is where the feet are positioned in line with each other and under the hips. This position is required after returning from the overhead reverse lunge while the kettlebell is still positioned overhead. The shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle joint should all be aligned if looking side-on.
The scaled version of this discipline in novice is as follows:
- Jerk replaced with push press or press
- Overhead reverse lunge replaced with the racked reverse lunge
- The weight can be put down during the set but marked it as scaled
You can also submit a scaled entry if you’re not in the novice category, however, mark it as SCALED/UNOFFICIAL. It’s perfectly ok to enter for a bit of fun.
Instruction and details
We aim to keep things as fair as possible and therefore modify the rules and regulations from time to time, make sure to check the rules as described above, they are the most up-to-date, not the videos. The videos are great to clarify some of the rules described above. If you have any questions, just ask in our group.
2/04/2018: Added the requirement for a clear (skewed) rectangle shape to be visible between the legs at the bottom of the lunge. This is to prevent shortcuts, i.e. kneeling near the front foot which shortens the distance of the reverse lunge, but can also cause injury due to increased pressure on the patella (front leg).
Although skewed there is a clear rectangle shape visible.
There is no rectangle shape visible, this would result in -1 deduction.
The rectangle shape can be judged from the front when seeing the correct distance between the front foot and back knee. A decreased distance means the knee is closer to the front foot, thus breaking the rectangle shape and resulting in -1 deduction.