How to get on | How to contribute?
- Write for us
- Submit an article
- Submit content
You’ve seen our many articles, videos, ebooks, or Facebook posts, and would like to know how you can get on Cavemantraining? Do you want to get your content out to the world, in-front of a large audience?
You need to have something interesting, unconventional, entertaining, or newsworthy, and well written. Don’t submit any generic link building articles, they will not be accepted. Quality content only.
We accept:
- Articles (written for the Cavemantraining audience)
- Infographics (created for the Cavemantraining audience)
- Workouts
- Training programmes
- Social media posts that come paired with a uniquely written intro of minimum 3 paragraphs
- Instagram
One off submissions not accepted - Facebook
One off submissions not accepted - Youtube
- Instagram
- Ebooks
- Videos
What do we do?
Once you’re on Cavemantraining we will:
- Share the post on our many social channels
- Re-share in due time
- Extremely good posts will be featured on the home page
- Some posts will be re-released after X amount of time
- Internally cross link when relevant
- Your writing has to be unique and not posted elsewhere
- Has a unique attention grabbing title
- You need to own content rights
- You need to waive your rights to the content after acceptance; meaning we can change or use the content as we see fit
- Re-use parts
- Modify to suit the audience
- Add photos
- Remove photos
- Etcetera
How to submit articles:
- Submit in word format via email to with the subject: ARTICLE [your title]
- Photos included in the layout will need to be attached separately
- Photos need to be at least 640px in width and height (the higher the better)
How to submit social media posts:
- Submit in word format via email to with the subject: SOCIAL MEDIA POST [your title]
- Facebook posts included will need to be public and remain online
- Instagram posts included will need to remain online and publicly accessible
First time contributor?
As a first time contributor, please include your author details:
- Full name
- Social media links
- Website
- Short bio
- Profile photo
- Register for an account (include your username in the email)
Our channels:
- Website
- Facebook pages
- Facebook groups
- YouTube channel
- LinkedIn groups
- Mailing lists
Complete the following form if you want to discuss your application/content first.