Are you looking to make professional fitness connections in the same industry as yours? I mean serious connections, not network marketing connections, not dealing with people who waste your time by having to have long drawn out conversations —because you’re a polite person— to finally found out that they’re trying to sell you something, or getting you to sell something for them.
Join our network if you want to:
- meet fellow peers
- ask questions and receive answers
- expand your network
- meet professionals
- talk with people about your business
- discover how to grow your business
- have access to valuable resources
- be part of something larger
This is a serious networking opportunity, we stay super vigilant about who is accepted, everyone is screened, and those approaching others to become a sales person underneath them will be banned.
True networking is about being able to utilise your connections to get something done, it’s to get information that you otherwise could not get, and most importantly, interact to exchange information.
Who is this for?
Although open to any health & fitness professional, this network is better suited to those operating in or connected in some way to:
- unconventional training
- kettlebell training
- mace training
- bodyweight training (calisthenics)
- strength training
- crossfit
- mma fitness
It’s for gym owners, personal trainers, coaches and more.
In our Cavemantraining network we believe that part of networking is bartering, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, it means to exchange your services. Let me provide an example: fitness professional A has video editing skills, fitness professional B has writing skills, if A requires writing skills and B a video edit, when they exchange their services that would be a barter exchange.
Note: although no money was exchanged, some tax laws might apply in certain countries, it’s up to you and your accountant to work that out appropriately if you perform a barter transaction.
Membership is by approval or invite only, if you invite someone, you vouch for them. Also on Facebook.
We do not allow anything multi level marketing. I know some great people personally who are into this, and that’s fine, MLM can be great when the right people do it, and do it the right way, but in general it’s like timeshare and frowned upon. So with that said, if you are a member of an MLM organisation, great, you can still have the opportunity to join, but under no circumstances shall it be displayed in private or public:
- messages
- photos
- replies
- bio’s
- descriptions
- or any other form of communication
How does it work?
Open communication is key, if no one knows what projects you’re working on this year, the things you’re going to need, the things you might struggle with, what you’re still looking for, then no one will be able to help. If you regularly post your information to the network then people are able to respond, they might know someone that knows someone, or be able to help themselves.