Caveman Bodyweight

The Caveman Bodyweight programme solely consists of bodyweight exercises, but don’t think for one minute that just because there is no added resistance to the program that it’s easy, it’s NOT! And the results from Caveman Bodyweight are incredible.

Following is a list of bodyweight 180 bodyweight exercises we put together, there is an Excel File we’ve created that is super detailed with exercise descriptions, muscle groups worked, variations of and much much more. We’re giving it away for FREE, create your account here, share this page on a social network with the secret phrase which you can unlock below and finally send me an email on and just ask for the file.

The excel file is provided under the Creative Commons license and free for personal use, make contact to use the file for commercial purpose, trust me, it won’t be expensive, it might even cost nothing but attribution.

Creative Commons License
Caveman Bodyweight Exercise List by Taco Fleur is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Exercise Variation of AKA Targets
Name of exercise, no duplicates allowed Is this a variation of something? Is there another common name? Dropdown list
Burpee Full-body
Military Burpee Burpee Push-up Burpee, 6-count Burpee Full-body
Burpee Box Jump Burpee Full-body
Burpee Pull Up Burpee Full-body
One Legged Burpee Burpee Full-body
One Arm Burpee Burpee Full-body
Burpee Long Jump Burpee Full-body
8-count Burpee Burpee Full-body
Lateral Burpee Burpee Full-body
Burpee Tuck Jump Burpee Full-body
Star Jump Burpee Burpee Jumping Jack Burpee Full-body
Rolling Squat Burpee Burpee Full-body
Squat Legs
Deep Squats Squat Legs
Sumo Squat Squat Legs
Lateral Squat Squat Legs
Squat Thruster Squat Half Burpee Legs
Back to Back Partner Squat Hold Squat Legs
Static Wall Squat Squat Legs
Static Squat Squat Legs
Pistol Squat Squat Legs
Prisoner Squat Jump Squat Legs
Squat Reach Jump Squat Legs
Squat Jump Squat Legs
Single Leg Squat Jump Squat Legs
Cossack Squat Squat Legs
Y Squat Squat Legs
Traveling Sumo Squat Squat Legs
Rolling Squat Squat Legs
Bulgarian Split Squat Squat Legs
Squat Explosive Jumping Jack Squat Legs
Dynamic Squat Twist Squat Legs
Overhead Squat Squat Legs
Ground Spiral Squat Squat Legs
Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Low High Plank Push-up Push-up Find the right name for this Shoulders + Arms
Plyometric Push-up Push-up Explosive Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Explosive Full-body Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Clap Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Double Clap Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Toe Touching Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Starfish Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Partner Clap Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Inchworm Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Handstand Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Pike Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Diamond Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Rotational Push-up Push-up T Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Offset Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Spiderman Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Incline Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Decline Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Archer Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
One Arm Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Switch Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Triple Stop Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Close Grip Push-up Push-up Military Push-up, Tricep Push-up Shoulders + Arms
One Arm Extended Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Dive Bomber Push-up Push-up Hindu Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Chest Tap Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Stacked Feet Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
One Foot Elevated Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Around The Clock Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Shoulder Tap Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Thigh Tap Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Knuckle Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Knee To Chest Push-up Push-up Mountain Climber Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Knee To Opposite Elbow Push-up X-Mountain Climber Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Corkscrew Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Cross-Leg Kick Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Tiger Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Elbow Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Jack Knife Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Superman Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Fingertip Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Monkey Push-up Push-up Shoulders + Arms
Inchworm Baby Elephant Walk
Lunge Legs
Reverse Lunge Lunge Legs
Reverse Lunge Knee Up Lunge Legs
Clock Lunge Lunge Legs
Lunge Jump Lunge Legs
Switch Lunge Lunge Legs
Pulse Lunge Lunge Legs
Walking Lunge Lunge Legs
Switch Lunge Kick Lunge Legs
Crossover Lunge Lunge Legs
Plank Core
Low Plank Plank Forearm Plank
Side Plank Plank
High Low Plank Plank
Up Down Plank Plank
Prone Walkout Plank
Plank One Leg Up Plank
Plank One Arm Up Plank
Plank One Leg One Arm Up Plank Two-point plank
Jumping Jack Plank Plank
Star Side Low Side Plank Plank
Star Side High Side Plank Plank
Side Plank Twist Plank
Side Plank Dip Plank
Scorpion Plank Plank
Rocking Chair Plank
Rocking Chair Arms 90 Plank
Hyperextension Hands At Side
Hyperextension Hands Under Chin
Bear Crawl
Mountain Climber
X-Mountain Climber Mountain Climber
Star Jump Jumping Jack
Explosive Star Jump Star Jump Explosive Jumping Jack
Vertical Jump
Tuck Jump Vertical Jump
Long Jump Vertical Jump
Frog Jump Vertical Jump
Forward Backward Jump Vertical Jump
Side Jump
Box Jump Vertical Jump
Calf Raise
Donkey Kick
Tricep Dips
Kneeling Squat Jump Legs
Kick Through Need to verify name
Technical Get-up Need to verify name
Prisoner Get-up
Hip Raises
L Sit Core
V Sit Core
Single Leg Hop
Sit-up Core
Sit-up Punch Sit-up Core
Crunch Core
Archer Push-up Crunch Core
Bicycle Crunch Crunch Core
Toe Touching Crunch Crunch Core
Side Oblique Crunch Crunch
Flutter Kick Core
Scissor Kick
Leg Raise Core
Shoulder Bridge
One Leg Bridge Bridge
Russian Twist
High Knees
Hanging Curl-up
Hanging Leg Raise
Toe To Bar
Round The Clock Pull-up
Human Flag
Muscle Up
Lateral Wall Walks
Army Crawl Pec Crawl
Commando Crawl
Quick Feet
2 Sprint 2 Back
Side Shuffle
Backward Running
Pike Jack Knife
Pike And Roll
Crab Walk
Marching In Place
Dirty Dogs Legs
Good Mornings
Leg Switch Pistols
One Legged RDL
One Legged Warriors
Pistol Roll-ups
Ham Sandwhich Find out if there is another name
Leg Lifts
Box Drill Legs
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