This 6-week online kettlebell workout motivation camp has been designed to get people working out through the festive season and get over that hump into January. This camp is to give you that motivation to not stop working out in December and then hit January where you can start all over, or worse, don’t start again.
Stay kettlebell-motivated this festive season. Stay on track!
With all the festivities and events to attend in December, we all know it can be hard to stay on track and motivated. Then January or February hits and you are so far behind that it will be so hard to get started again. Therefore I’m running this online camp that’s on December 1st.
It will be a 6-week camp so that we can work on achieving some goals and work our way through the party time and come out on the other end, not fatter, more unfit, or weaker, but maintaining what we have or even improving. Not only will I give you workouts, but I will also repeat these workouts myself, so know that you’ll also help me remain motivated during this time!
The workouts will focus on total body strength, it’s an awesome and new workout. Everyone will be able to complete the workout as we’ll include alternatives and progressions. You’ll also get male and female coaching access, which means you can ask questions, get form feedback, etc.
The workout also has some excellent mobility work as active recovery, which means you’ll become more flexible.
For just $29.95 you get:
- Over 3 hours worth of video content:
- Technique breakdown
- Common mistakes
- Alternatives and progressions
- Follow-along warm-up
- Follow-along prep work
- Follow-along workout
- Follow-along cooldown
- Coaching
- 2 workouts to repeat each week and progress with
You’ll also get a copy of the Kettlebell Exercise Encyclopedia which on its own costs more than this camp alone.
You’ll be able to click play and just follow along with the workouts, if you need alternatives, then you can watch the video which explains how to adjust the workout, this means that anyone can join in. You will also have access to professional kettlebell coaches and trainers to ask questions. If you don’t want to work out but learn, just go through the Kettlebell Exercise Encyclopedia, pick an exercise, film yourself, post it, and get cues and coaching tips on how to improve and stay safe.
What do you need?
All you need is one kettlebell and an internet connection. You do not need to go live or attend at a certain time. Those who joined in the previous camps this year know what kind of incredible value you get.
You will keep access to the content after 6 weeks.
The total value of the camp is $29.90 + 39.95 + $80 = $149.85
And you pay only $29.95
These incredible deals will not be repeated and will not be available after the camp has started.
Option 2 is everything from the camp plus Kettlebell Workout And Challenges 4 book, published in 2023, and the Kettlebell Training Fundamentals Instructional Video. The total value of this option is $149.95 + $24.95 + $29.95 = $204.75
And you pay only $49.95
Option 3 is everything from option 2 plus 6 weeks of access to the inner circle, which means you get 6 weeks of access to our private group and all 250+ full-length follow-along workouts that have been published over the last 5 years. The total value of this option is $204.75 + $62.13 = $266.88
And you pay only $69.95
Option 4 is everything from option 3 plus the official CAVEMANROM Online Kettlebell Certification. The total value of this option is $266.88 + $349 = $615.88
And you pay only $189.95
You will have 6 months to complete the certification.
Hector B. (Verified Customer) –
It covers EVERYTHING about KB training, best book on the market. The value of this book is beyond what I paid for.