Discount voucher codes for up to 50% off on our kettlebell courses, kettlebell books, and more.
Kettlebells for Shoulder Strength
Learn how to kettlebell press for shoulder strength and hypertrophy. Type: Online course 45% discount voucher code: HFVQT23X
Learn the most important kettlebell exercise
Learn the proper technique for one of the most important kettlebell exercises and how to use it for working out. Type: Online course 33% discount voucher code: LZXIZUWO
Kettlebell Training PREMIUM
Learn how to warm up, stretch, workout with a kettlebell, cool down, and how to train safely with the kettlebell. Type: Online course 75% discount voucher code: BYT3PTX5
21-Days to Kettlebell Training for Beginners
Learn how to warm up, stretch, workout with a kettlebell, cool down, and how to train safely with the kettlebell. Type: Online course 50% discount voucher code: 40CLA8D0
From Zero to Kettlebell Superhero in 4 Weeks (or less)
Lay the proper foundations for safe and effective kettlebell training. Step-by-step with intricate details. Type: Online course 20% discount voucher code: 2QN4YCB4
Kettlebell Workouts and Challenges 1.0
40+ kettlebell workouts to turn you into a lean mean fighting machine. Type: Ebook 30% discount voucher code: OO47GYTA
Also available on Amazon in a paperback format without discount.
Kettlebell Workouts and Challenges 2.0
Kettlebell workouts that have a story. Workouts that motivate. Workouts that can be adjusted. Type: Ebook 30% discount voucher code: OO47GYTA
Also available on Amazon in a paperback format without discount.
Kettlebell Training Fundamentals
Learn the fundamental kettlebell exercises and lay a solid foundation you can safely build upon. Type: Ebook 30% discount voucher code: OO47GYTA
Also available on Amazon in a paperback format without discount.
Snatch Physics
Learn how to snatch from zero to snatching comfortably in 21 days. Type: Ebook 40% discount voucher code: 990QMWSR
Also available on Amazon in a paperback format without discount.
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