Turkish Getup

The Turkish getup is a full-body exercise that can be performed lunge or squat style. Following is part of the detailed broken down description. You can get the full details in the Kettlebell Exercise Encyclopedia here.

Roll onto the side where the kettlebell is, insert the hand with a good grip, place the non-working hand over the fingers to assist with the pickup.

Position the kettlebell so that the forearm is almost vertical. Keep the knee on the working side bent and straighten the other leg.

Place the non-working arm at an appropriate 45 to 65-degree angle between the arm and body. You’ll get used to the placement as you perform reps. The placement should be such that your elbow/forearm does not need to move during the getup. Pack the chest and press the kettlebell up.

The first part of the movement and setup is where you define how well the rest of your getup goes. Displayed is also my favorite part of the exercise, I love working my lats, and this part of the exercise where you need to engage them the most. The getup is often confused with pulling yourself forward with the hip flexors and abs, but that’s incorrect, and you’ll notice when this happens as your leg will be coming off the ground, you’ll find yourself trying to use momentum and kicking your to get yourself through the first part—the hardest part.

Keep your leg straight. Slightly push the bent leg into the ground. Keep your buttocks on the ground. Get ready to come onto the elbow, realize that the movement is to the side and forward at the same time, and the distance forward is minimal compared to the distance to the side. Engage your core muscles to create a solid rigid structure of the spine that doesn’t round during the movement. Create slight hip flexion to assist with the movement but the most power should come from the latissimus dorsi and other muscles that are responsible for shoulder adduction and flexion. The point you should focus on is pushing your elbow into the ground to pull your shoulder up off the floor and follow through. Your forearm should stay flat while you do this.

Read the rest in our Kettlebell Exercise Encyclopedia.


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