POWERHOUSE—A kettlebell complex for power training

Kettlebells are great for power training with plenty of kettlebell complexes allowing you to apply the maximum amount of force as fast as possible. Exercises like snatches, thrusters, swings, and much more.

Strength + speed = power

The POWERHOUSE kettlebell complex is designed to train power. The combo is:

  • Dead swing-snatch
  • Squat thruster
  • 5 swings

All to be performed with heavy double kettlebells. Full details on the exercises can be found in the kettlebell exercise encyclopedia (also available on Amazon) or our private and exclusive Caveman Inner Circle group.



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This power complex is used in week 20 of our weekly workouts, as a member you’ll get access to the full-length video with instructions as voice-over and as a downloadable PDF. Join the Caveman Inner Circle for weekly private workouts, get access to coaching, full access to workout library, and more…


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