Being a Caveman Trainer is a challenging job, because not only must you utilize your knowledge in exercise science and consistently motivate your clients to perform at their top level, at times you also need to be a disciplinarian.
It’s essential that your clients not only respect your tutelage, but the time and preparation that you devote to helping them. At times clients may show up without scheduling, arrive late to a training session or even be a no show. This is behavior that you just cannot allow, because it allows your clients to not take the program seriously and disrupts the training sessions. This is particularly important as a Caveman Training Instructor, as you’re working with a group of people who are paying money and spending their time because they believe that you can be the one to help them change their lives. One or two disruptive clients cannot be able to disrupt the entire session for others.
Before every session, you will have a list of clients who you are expecting to arrive and thus will design the battery of exercises appropriately. You choose exercises that are of appropriate intensity for that particular group, plan out the right number of exercises, and determine the layout of the circuits prior to their arrival. Therefore, clients who show up without scheduling beforehand can significantly affect your Caveman Circuit and cause delays or confusion, which in turn can make the circuit dangerous.
This same type of issue occurs when clients show up late to a training session. Late clients miss the warm-up and your demonstration of the exercises. They require you to take time away from those clients who were on time as you work to get them up to speed.
If a client misses the warm-up altogether, they should not ever be allowed to join in on the session. Allowing them to do so would be extremely dangerous, as they’re going to jump right into extremely intense exercise without properly preparing their body. For those clients who are just a little late, one to two minutes maximum, you can choose to allow them join, but we recommend that they’re disciplined with additional punishment stations added to the end of their workout.
This same discipline principle applies to clients who show up without previously scheduling. Clients who are not on the schedule and show up receive penalty stations, as you did not account for them when designing the circuit and may not have enough stations planned out. Penalty stations can also be used to discipline those who disrupt the class by talking or misbehavior.
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