Mankind is made to move and use all their physical abilities: jump, run, sprint, duck, crawl, pull, push, lift and more.
The physical abilities people have been gifted with, were put to good use in the times when they had to hunt and gather their food, build their own homes, work their land; and provide for their family in a way other than walking to the car, getting in/out, sitting down at work and pressing some keys on the computer.
exercise is not just to look good, those days are gone, exercise is here to make you feel better, mentally and physically, it’s a requirement to exercise, it’s one of the best medicines in the world for getting healthy all-round. ~ Taco Fleur
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Lets be honest, getting up to retrieve the TV remote and sitting back in your lazy chair doesn’t exactly require a lot of physical abilities, neither does pressing the garage remote to open the door, taking the elevator to get to your flat, or dialling for a pizza which is delivered to your door.
Times have changed drastically, but the body has not adopted to these changes, not exercising means loss of muscle, loss of muscle means back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, you name it. No exercise means no adrenaline, which in turns affects your mood and metabolism. Do you feel crappy all the time, down and negative? Guess what, exercise is not just to look good, those days are gone, exercise is here to make you feel better, mentally and physically, it’s a requirement to exercise, it’s one of the best medicines in the world for getting healthy all-round. Of course you can choose the easy way out, you can take a pill for your ailments, then you can take a pill for the side effect of that pill, none of this will help the root cause though, and you’ll only be going in a downward spiral until you crash, and crash you will.
Exercise Is Hard!
Yes, if you’re just getting started, exercise is hard, it’s like quitting smoking, but this time you’re quitting laziness. Quit smoking long enough and it becomes habit, it makes you feel good and after a while you’re used to it. Quit laziness long enough, go through the withdrawal symptoms caused by Beer_in_hand_and_lounge_on_the_couch or Do_nothing_all_day_and_rot_away and soon exercise will become second nature to you.
Exercise Is Expensive!
Yes, it costs money if you seek the help of a fitness professional, but not as expensive as the pills and doctors you otherwise need to pay for. You can’t put a $ figure on your health, you only have one life, living it the happiest and healthiest you can should be priority NUMBER ONE on your list.
I Don’t Have Time!
This is the lousiest excuse anyone can ever come up with, everyone has time, you own your time, what you really mean is that you’re too lazy and don’t want to make time for exercise. You’re quite comfortable living the way you are living, truth is, you been living like this for so long, you have no idea what you’re actually missing out on, how good you can feel, how you can be more immune to sickness, how you can sleep better, how you can wake up whistling and be happy, you just can’t remember anymore and will come up with any excuse to not exercise.
Can’t sleep good? Guess what, your body is telling you that it’s done jackall and doesn’t need any rest, maybe your mind does, but your body says “stuff you!”. Got a bad back? Guess what, your back is saying “I can no longer compensate for your bad posture”, “I don’t have the strength to keep you upright, I’ve gone too weak, you hardly ever use me!”. I could go on and on about the benefits of exercise and how it is for everyone no matter what age, how it makes people feel better, live longer, look better, feel more confident etc. etc. blah blah, fact of the matter is, if you’re not convinced by now, you probably won’t be, until that day comes when you’re forced to make a drastic lifestyle change.
There is nothing else in life I’m as sure about as the fact that EXERCISE and NUTRITION are the main foundations to your health and happiness.
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