MADBUNNY WOD—nice hardcore workout

This is the MADBUNNY Caveman WOD, I named it so, because some think we’re crazy for working out on Easter. To me, when it’s a workout day, it’s a workout day, whether it’s Easter, New Years or my birthday! So, without further ado, I present to you this awesome hardcore workout, done on Easter day, but should be repeated anytime.


100 Alternating Chest Press (one kettlebell)

100 Burpee to Overhead (two kettlebells)

50 Chest Push-ups

50 Jump Burpees

25 X-mountain Tricep Push-ups



Alternating Chest Press

You don’t see this one often, but I like it because it works the core muscles every time you need to switch, and it gives you a little break for each rep on each arm, allowing you to go about 70 to 80% of your 1RM chest press.

Alternating chest press. Part of the MADBUNNY #wod … great core workout too

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Burpee to Overhead

There is no specification of how to get the kettlebells overhead, this is the fun part about this, you decide what works for you. The fastest is the dead swing full snatch, and also the most taxing. In the long video further below I demonstrate some of the options, which are: burpee + dead curl and press; burpee + hang clean and press; burpee + swing clean and jerk etcetera. Just remember, you always do a burpee with the kettlebells, and a real burpee (as it was designed) is like a plank and standing up, in this case you perform a plank on the kettlebells and then deadlift the kettlebells, this is a kettlebell burpee. From there you decide how you clean the bells and get them overhead, so many options available.

Burpee to overhead. Part of the MADBUNNY #wod Have you done it yet?

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X-mountain Tricep Push-up

At this stage your triceps have already had a pounding if you had a good overhead lockout each time on the 100 chest presses and 100 burpees to overhead! Lucky you only need to do 25!

Last part of the MADBUNNY #wod Check for full details.

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Access the full video and more details on the exercises below. Don’t forget to post on our Facebook if you completed this WOD.

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