Caveman Kettlebells

Caveman Kettlebells is a mixture of everything kettlebells, kettlebells for fitness, juggling, hardstyle, softstyle, sports style, it takes the best of everything and presents it as one.

To become a Caveman Kettlebell Trainer today please check out our online courses.


  • Being a caveman trainer is more than just physical; honor respect and devotion to duty
  • Caveman trainers train like nature intended; on a mountain, in the park, in a garage, or in the gym
  • A caveman trainer is the spartan of fitness; indifferent to comfort or luxury
  • A caveman trainer becomes knowledgable across all areas of physical fitness; strength, bodyweight, kettlebells, circuits, wods …
  • A caveman trainer is not limited to just one discipline; kettlebell sport, crossfit, hardstyle, trx, clubbells …
  • A caveman trainer employs all that is good; functional, multi-plane, rotational, explosive …
  • A caveman trainer is neutral and objective
  • A caveman trainer talks the talk and walks the walk
  • Anyone with the right mentality can become a CAVEMAN TRAINER
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