Pull up Training – Sky Is the Limit

When it comes to pull-up training there are so many different variations out there that the sky is the limit. With an exploration on the bar, one can come up with different styles of play that can add great benefits to ones strength and skill when it comes to calisthenics and movement.  As for myself I’m enjoying adding as much variety to my practice as possible.

The idea of play alway comes to mind when it comes to movement.  Always trying to look for that freedom it offers and staying away from the idea of being part of a single system.  That being said, let’s take a look at one of my favorite movements, The SEESAW PULL-UP.

I came up with this about a month ago.  I grabbed my wrist roller which is made from PVC piping and a sterling rope.  In the beginning I was simply looking to add to my grip training and trying to come up with something a little different that would add to that.  I looked up to the Pull-Up bar and figured to start with dead hangs that would be unstable due to the rope attachment being right in the center of the pipe. After feeling the benefits from the weight shifting side to side I decided to try some pull-ups on it.

Then it hit me!   Add more movement to it!  I started pulling more to one side then the other.  Right away I could feel the benefit of doing such an exercise!


  1. Grip: due to the 2 inch thickness of the PVC.  Not only from the dead hang start, but also from when the weight shift occurs, especially on from the pulling side.  The grip shifts from a hanging perspective to a climbing one.  Which becomes much more intense.


2. Scapula Depression:   A common problem in pull-ups is the initial pull coming from an biceps and not from the scapula.  Due to need weight shifting the first movement on the pulling side comes from the scapula depressing down the back.  It continues the entire pull because of the elbow having to tuck into your side to find maximum height on the PVC.


3.  Core:  The core gets heavily involved at the top portion of the movement, due to the maxim contraction.  Bracing is needed in order to finish the top position.


It should be noted that the PVC will not work for everyone.  Meaning that because I am only 155, the PVC works well for me.  If you are heaver find alternative bars that can be used to withstand the amount you weigh.

George Corso


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