Kettlebell Clean and Press plus Bodyweight Combo—STRENGTH CARDIO INTERVALS

This combo is a kettlebell clean and press with bodyweight exercises. You could say that this is a strength and cardio interval workout. One rep of a heavy double kettlebell clean and press followed by a bodyweight combo to break it up. Yes, it’s cardio and raises the heart rate unlike resting after a rep. The weight needs to be heavy but not so heavy that you can’t finish the duration of work set out without failure. This kettlebell combo is performed with two kettlebells, for alternatives and progressions, come and join the 100% online private group where we post weekly workouts and people progress from beginner to pro kettlebell enthusiasts. But more importantly, people make progress. Increasing their strength, cardio, form and technique. The combo is a double kettlebell combo performed as:
  • dead
  • clean (with a pendulum swing)
  • rack (chest)
  • press (strict)
  • drop into racking (stacking)
  • drop from racking into backswing
  • back to dead
  • 6 jumping jacks
  • 2 Frankenstein kick on each side
The workout was performed as AMRAP. There was task 1 and task 2, plus we had a warm-up, body work, prep work, the workout, and ended with an awesome cooldown. Our kettlebell workouts are hybrid, unlike many others who stick to the same exercises. Don’t get me wrong, I promote sticking to a set of exercises and repeating workouts or exercises as I covered in my book How to Program for Kettlebell Training which is a book geared to people with no experience in programming. With that said, I also promote switching it up, they all have their own benefits and it depends on what you want from your kettlebell training.   At Cavemantraining we have online courses, online certifications, courses with CEUs, books, workouts, and more. Related content:

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